Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My San Francisco Trip Revisited

My San Francisco trip occured from February 26th until March 4th.

<~~~Britney taking flight

Well i just want to say my trip to San Francisco was a blast. I made new friends,
Britney Alves, Biancha Palmer, Christina McCarron, Ray Prevost, and last but not least, Cliff Mautner.

My whole reason for going to San Francisco was to attend California Photographic Workshop, a week long wedding photography workshop with the great Cliff Mautner. He was an amazing instructor and helped me see things in a different light.

Sunday night was just the general meet and greet. It was awesome. I had dinner with all of the people listed above along with celebrity wedding photographer,
Joe Buissink . I will be studying with him in May, but more on that later. We had awesome Italian. On the way out, a homeless person asked for my leftovers and I gladly handed it to her. She begun eating right then and there. I just felt bad that I couldn't do more.

Here are some photos that I created while there. Enjoy!!!


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