Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Waiting for Home Delivery BITES!!!

OK. Long Rant!!!

Yesterday was the result of a bad snow storm from the night prior. Most of the sideroads were iced, but the highway and main streets were pretty good.

My appliances were supposed to be delivered yesterday. I still don't live at my home as it's not ready, and I don't have appliances like a fridge to store food, etc...

Anyhow, an automated message was left on my voicemail from Home Depot stating a delivery time of 9am to 1pm. Best Buy gave me a delivery time of 330pm to 530pm. So ok, I braved the "elements" to drive to my house to wait for the delivery guys. I got there no problem, as the roads were pretty ok.

While waiting, I examine the previous days paint job, touched up some paint areas on the first floor (and created another area I now have to touch up later this morning), and some paint areas in my office (and again create a problem area that I have to touch up) and then add the second coat of the first color in the master bedroom. I also finished installing the pendant lights for the kitchen breakfast counter.

Best Buy calls around 1230pm stating they can't deliver today. OK, they tell me they are going to call with a delivery time. 1pm rolls around and still no home depot guy. OK. I make calls to setup a consultation with Brinks and ADT home security. Around 130pm I call the Home Depot Deliver to find out what's up with my delivery. An automated message states that due to the weather the office is closed, and no deliveries can be made because of the weather and that if I was to receive a delivery today, I would receive a phone call.

Well I didn't get any phone call, and I left a message to the Home Depot Delivery nearly yelling, but still keeping my composure that it was not my job to inform myself that they weren't making deliveries, yada, yada, yada.

I go home and take a nap after working all morning, and wake up and find several messages on my voice mail. Home Depot automated messages called again around 430pm telling me they won't be delivering today and that my delivery has been rescheduled for the next day from YUP!!! 9am to 1pm and then Best Buy called and will deliver from 7am to 9pm.

I call Best Buy and almost yelled on my voicemail to them again that 7am - 9am will not work and is an inconvenience for me.

Basically, I am not a happy camper. I understand weather problems, but it is the companies responsibility to notify their customers in a timely fashion that a delivery will not be made, and then Best Buy should deliver with in a reasonable time line. 7am is way to damn early.

There is supposed to be another bout of snow falling today. So I am not risking myself, driving to be at the house at 7am. I will make them deliver on my timeline!!!

I will be waiting for responses to those fairly terse voice mails.

Rant Over!!!


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