Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Weekend In Review

Well last week was more visits from family. This year has been great for seeing various members of my family that I haven't seen in years.

My cousin Rose was in town for a week long training seminar and we were able to hang out after her classes were done. Tuesday, my family, Rose, Maida and I went out to dinner at Jimmy Macs Roadhouse in Tukwila. The steaks were ok, but the fun part about the restaurants are the bowl of peanuts that they give you for appetizers. You get to throw your waste shells on the floor. Well, that doesn't sound too exciting, but it is fun when you can make a little mess in a restaurant. My favorite item there though, was the bread they give you for appetizers. Wednesday, we wound up having dinner at my parent's house and then went to the EQC for about an hour. I wound up winning $27.00 on the penny slots.

Saturday, my dad's baby sister had a short layover in town from Alaska to Sacramento. I haven't seen my aunt in well at least five years. We started the day going City Lights Billiards in Tacoma. My dad set up a pool tournament there and had to go in early to set it up. (I'll post about this later.) We spent a few hours just hanging out and watching things shape up. We wound up going to lunch shortly after the start of the tournament at Anthony's at Point Defiance. I highly recommend the crab cakes.

My aunt had to fly out that night.

Overall a good weekend.



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