Monday, August 14, 2006

Weekend Weddings In Review

I'm kind of working backwards. Here is Saturdays wedding. I will post Fridays wedding later this week.
Last Saturday I photographed Craig and Sarah's wedding at the Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. Craig had his old youth pastor, Eric, flown in from California to perform the ceremony. It was special for Eric as well, since it was his first official marriage ceremony. It was very moving as these two are tremendously sweet and loving towards one another.

Sarah started the day horribly. Sarah and her sister was 10 minutes or so late for her hair appointment at the Gene Jaurez salon and they wound up basically being turned away. Even though they told them it was her wedding day, they said only one person can have their hair done. They wound up going to another salon that did an awesome job. No appointment there to boot.

Well the day was beautiful, the dress was beautiful, but best of all, the bride was beautiful and things went smoothly from then on.
I am sure they will have the best time on their honeymoon.


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