Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I bought something in Vermont!!!

I was driving in Stowe, Vermont and I spotted a camera store that had antique cameras. I had to take the next turn and go right back!!!

I love the look of antique cameras, and granted most now a days don't work. My first antique camera was a Kodak Brownie camera that takes a film spool that no longer is made. So, can't use it.

Well back to the camera store. I went into the store and the first thing you see is a table full of old cameras. I was just blown away. I figured ok, I'll just look but I won't buy anything. WRONG!!!

I look at the price tags and BAM!!!! $9.95 for one and $14.95 for another. No way was I going to not pass thiss on.

These are what I bought!!!


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