Monday, September 25, 2006

Puyallup Fair

So on Thursday, Maida and I went to the Puyallup Fair, the largest fair in Western Washington. The day started cloudy, then rain and then dried up a bit towards the end of the night.

Our main goal for going to the fair was eating food, but we also played a few games.
I won this little red bulldog for Maida playing the game where you take a wiffle ball, toss it in a basket and keep it from bouncing out. You can see it in the picture.
Here you see this years largest pumpkin weighing in at 1004 lbs. It was grown by Joel Holland. He has been competing in the pumpkin contest since 1996 and I believe won 6 or 7 times.

Imagine how many pies you can make out of that!!!

I also played Piggly Downs. You race against others by rolling balls in to holes at the end that determine your pigs speed. I loved these games when I was a kid. This go around, I played against 9 other people.

I won this pink pig on the first try!!! It was the biggest one they had.
Out of everything we went for, we only actually ate one thing that was on the list. We ate elephant ears.

What we didn't get a chance to eat were the Monster Burgers, scones and funnel cake. A little disappointing, but we had an awesome time.

Ok I'm having a little difficulty uploading more pics, but you can see a couple more here if your interested...

Click Here For Me and Maida

Click Here For A Texas Long Horn

Otherwise... have a good night!!!


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