Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I hope everyone had an awesome holiday!!!

Hi All!!! (No photos in this post)

I hope all of you were able to enjoy a great amount of time with friends, family and other loved ones!!!

I had a great time with my parents, Maida, my brother, Lori and my friend Jose.

Maida and I had some last minute shopping to do on the morning prior to Christmas. That was ok, because we had an awesome lunch with our friend EZ at Johnny Rockets. I just love their burgers!!! You gotta try 'em if you got 'em.

We actually spent Christmas Eve with my family first and then finished out Christmas Eve with another great friend, Janet and her family/friends. My parents and brother, Marlon opened their presents before we left. We only got my brother a beanie, because he actually got his Christmas/Birthday Present earlier in the month, and I wanted him to at least open something.

Christmas Day we had a great dinner at my parents home, then off to watch Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller. It was a pretty funny movie, and very enjoyable. Great movie for the family. It was also tops at the Box Office.

After that we all went to Spanaway Park to enjoy Fantasy Lights, which is a drive through show of Christmas Lights.

We finished off the night exchanging gifts with Ez at a parking lot, because we just were to busy to connect all day!!!

Have a great remaining Holiday Season!!!



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