Friday, September 29, 2006

More Issues With The Dirt!!!

Hey All!!!

As you know I have been watching my house being built watching for discrepancies.

Well!!! I found more!!!

Along with the wrong garage door that was installed (I have not mentioned it to them yet!!!), they installed the wrong tile for my main bathroom and master bathroom. Sorry I have no pictures at this time. I didn't have my camera with me. I ordered and PAID FOR tile with the color Patina Green for the flooring. It has this beautiful light green hues. The bathroom countertops are a tan version of the same tile. Well the tile that was installed was grey with tan/brown accents.

When did GREY become GREEN!!!! The masterbathroom also has a backsplash that are 3x13 inch tiles that alternate. They are supposed to alternate with PATINA GREEN tiles as well. The instead used that GREY tile.

It has all been installed and grouted. I am going to see if they catch this MISTAKE!!!

I feel like I have been the primary superintendent of the project.

When one buys a home and spends 3+ hours in a flooring and countertops selection meeting meticulously choosing certain materials and colors to accent the home, get it listed in an invoice, signed off and payments made, shouldn't that be the materials placed in the home?

I will be going to San Antonio for the weekend for the wedding of Elson and Desirae. You can view their engagement photos on my main website under engagement sessions.


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