Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Trevor and Nga's Veeeeerryyyyyyy long Wedding!!!

On September 9th, I had the please of photographic Trevor and Ngas wedding. The wedding was a little long, it turned out to be almost 15 hours.

Their wedding ceremony was a mix of traditional and contemporary ceremonies.
First stop was in Lynnwood.
We started out at Trevors house as they were getting ready and preparing the gifts for the brides family. My understanding of how things work, is that the groom and his family must present gifts to the family of the bride for permission to marry the girl. Nga's family lived in West Seattle.

Once accepted, the heads of the families present gifts to the couple in red envelopes. The heads of the families then have a small breakfast.

From there, they head to the church for a traditional Catholic wedding. This church was located further into Seattle.
Keep in mind, it was very difficult to follow the ceremonies as the whole day was spoken by all in vietnamese.

The final ceremony has the families all return to the grooms families home for another ceremony and further blessings from the families and acenstors. So we are bacck in Lynnwood.

Then finally to China Harbor to PARTY!!!!


I must say, this has been one of the most eye opening, interesting, colorful, friendly, hospitable wedding with cute brides maids.


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